Quote Request Form

Please fill out the form below to submit a Custom Quote Request (only for editing services). Please select “Yes” for services you need and “No” if you don’t. Once this form is received, we’ll get back to you and talk to you in more details as per your requirements. However, if you can, please enter as many details of your requirements in the comment box below and explain in the best way you can. The more information and accurate details we get from you, the sooner we can send you the quote. After you submit this form, one of our team members whom you’ll be able to chat with will be with you soon.

If you don’t select either “Yes” or “No”, we’ll assume your answer is “No”

**If you have a file/manuscript larger than 25MB, please send via DROPBOX or WETRANSFER and put the download link in the “Your Message” box below.

    Do you need with “OUTLINE ASSESSMENT”?

    Do you need with “MANUSCRIPT ASSESSMENT”?

    Do you need help with “DEVELOPMENTAL EDITING”?

    Do you want your draft “SPOT CHECKED”?

    Do you need help with “AUTHOR BIOGRAPHIES”?

    Do you need help with “BOOK DESCRIPTION”?